Echo with Cardiologist Comments

Our Services

Our imaging-specialist consultant cardiologist has 20 years experience as an NHS Cardiologist, and served on the executive committee of the British Society of Cardiovascular Imaging for 10 years.

Echo with Cardiologist Comments

Echo with Cardiologist Comments

Echo with Cardiologist Comments

Our imaging-specialist consultant cardiologist supports our echo service and can provide his specialist insight for the private & self-funding services we offer at Ultracardiac.

If you are visiting us for a heart scan, this by standard comes with a full report by your echocardiographer, however our consultant can also review the full study and report and add his own summarising comments as an additional summary.

Where appropriate, this will include any recommendations for onward referrals or testing, and can you give you the reassurance of having an expert opinion on the scan performed.

Our quality assurance framework is also supported by our consultant cardiologist, and he acts as our clinical lead, providing advice and guidance to our echocardiographers when needed.

Contact Us

If you have a question or query regarding the cardiac scans or our locations, please get in touch.

Ultracardiac | Echocardiography Services Southwest